


This site hosts Virtual Test Drive online documentation as well as VTD-related issue tracking and project archive.

To get access to the site
  • register yourself by pressing the link in the upper right corner
  • your request will be checked
  • you will be informed by mail when your request is acknowledged

Due to the huge amount of fake registrations, freemail accounts will be no longer accepted and rejected automatically!
Please use a company mail address for your registration!

This is the new VTD Redmine system, please only use to access this system, as other domains will be deprecated end of 2025.

As VTD became part of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence (HMI), case tickets have been migrated to the knowledge portal SimCompanion. There product information for all the products available with HMI can be accessed. SimCompanion enables you to log case tickets for all the products along with VTD (Virtual Test Drive). Please use SimCompanion to create new support tickets. The all VTD-related Redmine projects have been locked down for users to be used as archive. Take care the SimCompanion portal is accessible for you. Please note that SimCompanion portal is only accessible with an active VTD maintenance contract.

Use the following link to create tickets in SimCompanion: (activated account necessary)

To get further information on how to enable the account or how to create tickets through SimCompanion, please have a look at the following page:

If you face any issue or have additional question regarding the process, please have a look at our FAQ page:

In case you are not able to access that please reach out to . We will create your profile and map it to the SimCompanion account.

Your Hexagon's Virtual Mobility Team